Sonma Typing Expert x64 download torrent

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Sonma Typing Expert

Sonma Typing Expert x64 download torrent

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Sonma Typing-Expert is a Hindi / English application that wants to improve their flexibility when writing both languages. With the different alphabets used, bilingual typographical data can be difficult and fast to write in both languages, even if they are spoken and handwritten.

Working form

Sonma Typing-Expert looks at the difference between the standard QWERTY keyboard and the Hindi digital keyboard; Differences can slow down usage and write the internet,and the purpose of this program is to allow users to practice euskals. The program contains exercises to improve fluency. These exercises develop in the difficulty of writing letters to word groups, followed by simple and complex sentences. Users can switch between languages ​​and rides by clicking with the mouse, and the statistics recording program on accuracy and speed so that users can evaluate their performance and their resultscan improve. These statistics can be printed using the top user name to help bind. The program also allows users to set the tests in detail so they can set goals for improvement.


Problems encountered by bilingual individuals that you rarely adjust to different types of keyboard, so it’s great that Sonma Typing-Expert has been developed to address this. Although this program is simple, it worksgood at improving the speed and accuracy of the keyboard in different languages.

Sonma Typing Expert

  • Sonma Typing Expert 32/64 Bit Download Torrent

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