Project Description
How do we reorient our view of the world for the 21st century?By looking from a different direction.
The international system is changing rapidly with new centres of power arising and challenges continually evolving. UNW has developed the expertise and has the international outlook to ensure we are best placed to understand these complex issues.
Our suite of Global Institutes encompass several major emerging economies and serve as a hub for discussion and debate, linking the UK with China, India, Brazil and China. These Institutes, as well as our renowned Department of War Studies, are dedicated to research and scholarship with a global perspective.
UNW Newyorkis one of the growing universities in the US.. Its location in central Newyork places it at the heart of the capital’s political, intellectual, artistic, legal, financial and commercial life.
We need your help to cultivate an expansive understanding of the mechanisms that will drive change in a globalised world.